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Oomi - that's me!

Life is a library of memories;  and memories captured by photographs that represent life - are for me the best kind.

Photography took a special meaning for me when I was very small.  I 'stole' my mothers Camera (one of those bakelite Brown cameras of the 1960's) and promptly began taking photographs of Mum and my sister at the beach. At the time I was in BIG trouble for wasting film, but as it turns out I had quite an eye for creative composition even at a very young age.

Fast forward through the years of thousands of 'bonus print' and 'trueprint' photos taken on a 35mm Minolta to the age of digital photography.

What a revolution and no looking back!

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Me, myself, and I...

My passion for travel and places are immense, as is my interest in local UK social history and life.  So come on in to Oomi.Life and through 'Gran with a Cam'  in Conversation Corner Blog you can:

  • Journey with me through my albums and collections. 

  • Access an in-depth look at my life perspective by interacting with my blog as I blend the past 50 years of photography with a modern contemporary approach.

  • Have fun remembering the past and reminisce the good things of life

  • Threads
  • Instagram

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