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Thank you for the time you have taken to visit my site.  I hope you enjoy my everyday musings, and photographs that I take on my travels and as I go about my daily life.

Take an Iphone 15 Pro Max, an assortment of Cameras, and a Insta 360 X3 and voila Oomi.Life and 'Gran with a Cam' was born.

Image by i vv
Yellow And White Flowers
Girl with Flowers
Image by Eilis Garvey

What can you expect to see?

Pretty much a bit of everything!

When I got the idea to do a blog and start up my instagram and threads account, I thought surely, not everyone would want to listen to an 'Oomi'  (this is my Grandchildrens' derivative of 'Oma' which is German for Grandmother) Gran x 5 about her daily life and travels, the people she has met and the photos and snaps she took.  Well I was wrong apparently.

As a Gran who has a great love of recording memories I don't have a huge following of thousands.  The people who follow me on a regular basis and who I follow their photographic pathways and daily journeys result in great conversations about their real life stories.

The site has images broken up into sections of what interests me and where I have been on my travels. I use the term 'travel' loosely because its not just about the places and countries I have visited, but about my travels through life and those daily encounters.

The 'Gran with a Cam' Blog/Vlog can be found on the main menu and various links through featured posts throughout the site.

This is a very new venture and this site is still evolving so please bear with me as the content increases and things may be moved around just a little because I am head cook and bottle washer and designing the site myself.

You will find me on 'threads' and IG, and I will shortly be going live with a You Tube Channel with a 'talking heads' design theme. (That's me talking to the Camera!!- which should be fun!)

Thanks again.  In kindness and friendship.

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